[use case] Maven dependencies
The Maven dependencies use case illustrates the xml task in a set2file usage : transformation of maven pom.xml files to single (plant)uml diagram.
Transform maven pom.xml to single (plant)uml diagram.
ant file - build.xml
<project name="usages" xmlns:bj="antlib:org.bidji.taskdefs">
<target name="maven-deps" description="generate maven deps">
<bj:xmlt tofile="gen/maven-deps.puml" template="templates/pom2plantuml.ftl" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${project.dir}">
<include name="ant4x/dev/pom.xml"/>
<include name="bidji/dev/pom.xml"/>
input file - pom.xml
Iterate over each dependency: [#foreach dependency in project.dependencies.dependency] of each pom.xml: [#foreach project in xmlset.project]
[#foreach project in xmlset.project]
artifact ${project.artifactId}
[#foreach dependency in project.dependencies.dependency]
[#assign deps = dependency.artifactId?replace('.','_')?replace('-','_')]
artifact ${deps}
${project.artifactId} --* ${deps}
artifact ant4x
artifact ant_1_8_0
ant4x --* ant_1_8_0